Phase I
Focus on Sexual Assault Victims, prove out technology and legislation.
Phase II
Expand into other disenfranchised groups (e.g. I can’t Breath, LGTBQ+, etc.)
Wearable technology for small children, elderly, group functions, etc to alert guardians if separated.
NO MEANS NO application
A voice activated emergency response application to send alerts and location to your emergency contacts. Once triggered, it provides resources for rape kits, police stations, sexual assault victims advocacy groups, and legal support.
MOTIVATION for AubreyAlert
“Let’s face it, as a society, we are not very good about
preparing for or preventing sexual assault. ”
Most Federal, State, and Charitable resources are used for education, or victim advocacy funds, which are typically reserved for those that seek help, when the truth is, most women don’t report sexual assaults.
So, what do you do when a sexual assault just happened, or it’s happening right then? Who do you call, where do you go, what do you do? There are so many questions, that many never discover the answers until it’s too late.
We all hear about things like mace, holding car keys as a weapon, taking self defense classes, go in groups, yet most sexual assaults are in intimate situations often with people the victim already knows. In these situations, there are no weapons – the only thing the victim may have is their voice, something that has been silenced for way too long.
Starting in 2018, we began developing technology to assist sexual assault victims find resources, protect against attackers, and provide evidence to support criminal prosecution. We have a little further to go before the product can be made available commercially, and we are hoping to raise funds to get to the next milestone.
“We are fortunate that the core technology is now complete! ”
Our next milestone is to finalize the minimal viable product to put in the hands of investors for commercial development.
My Never Ending Journey
My story is never ending…. There is no beginning, middle, or end. Some days I feel like it has finally come to an end, and then a smell, a touch, a site, or something so small brings it all back again.
I wish I had control of it, yet I didn’t have control of that day.

My name is Aubrey and I was raped. He was my boyfriend before this happened. We broke up a few days before Christmas.
To give a little back story, he was my first serious “love”. I moved in with him straight out of high school and he was a really great guy at first. We moved states away and that’s when my life took a turn. He started to become physical by putting his hands on me when school or practice ran too long or if I wore what he thought were inappropriate clothes. I kept this from my family because I felt he would change back to the boy I loved.
We went back home for winter break and being around my dad and mom made me feel like the confident strong woman I used to be and I felt safe again. I felt like I could finally break free from him without being hurt and so I did; wow was I so wrong.
On Christmas day, a few days after the break up, he told me he wanted to meet up and discuss the apartment leas agreement we had together.
My car needed fixed so my dad had it at the time and I told my ex-boyfriend this. He offered to take me to IHOP; it was our special place to meet or have a date. I felt safe at the time, and he seemed genuine. Many will say that I should not have gotten in the car with him, trust me I know, so please just don’t remind me that I have a part in why this happened. I got in the white truck with a single cab; it smelled like old rain and stale newspaper. The seats were fully up right and weren’t very comfortable; to this day, I remember every detail about that truck.
My ex greeted me like it was a normal Sunday afternoon. We were quiet on the drive until I noticed he wasn’t going the right way to IHOP. He told me he wanted to take me somewhere first, I told him no and to take me to IHOP like we agreed. Obviously I lost that discussion and he proceeded to take me back behind a cemetery. He started grabbing me to come closer and kissing on me. When I pulled away and told him to stop, he told me I “wanted it too”. I did not. Yes, I thought I loved this man but I did not want to have sex with him. He started to get really aggressive with me as I resisted, and he ripped my pants off to reveal a onesie type top. I thought maybe that was my saving grace, nope!
At this time I froze and just kept begging him to stop and making it aware I did not want him on or in me. He pushed my face up against the passenger side window and pulled my lower back side toward him where he pulled my onesie to the side and proceeded to enter me. The entire time I’m crying hoping he realizes I don’t want this to happen. He starts creating a rhythm and I continue to beg him to stop until he grabs a wad of my hair and pulls my ear close to his mouth and says, “if you don’t shut up and take it, I will cum inside you”. Since I wasn’t on birth control at the time and very frightened I shut my mouth and just stared away waiting for it to be over.
These two minutes felt like hours as I studied the inside of that white single cab pickup truck. He finally says he’s done and that he came inside of me anyway. I was still frozen in terror. I did not want to believe that something like this actually happened to me.
I felt like I was in a terrible movie, there’s no way this would happen. It does happen, and it did happen to me. I am not the only one. I gather what little confidence I do have and ask if I can get my clothes back on outside of the truck. He let me and as soon as I put my pants on I bolted. I went to the first house I saw and called my mom.
He drove after me until he saw me reach a house and then he sped off, so I felt safer. My mom arrived and we went straight to my dad because I was scared and didn’t know what to do after something like this and he always knew
what to do.
Long story short, I had to visit multiple hospitals to find one with a rape kit, which took several hours, and when I thought that was the last of it I had to spend several more hours at the police station explaining in detail
what I had just experienced.
Merry Christmas Aubrey… after thinking it was finally over, the real nightmares began .
Every time I see a white truck, I cower. Every time I smell the air after a rainy day, I get nauseous. Every Christmas I think about his grimy hands all over my body. Every man that has ever tried to love me I push away in fear I will be hurt. Every time I close my eyes I hope not to have those flashbacks. I don’t get to live a normal life anymore. Even when I start seeing the white trucks or smelling the rain without the awful gut wrenching pain it always comes back.
I know I am not the only one and if you are reading this and you have those smells or sites that start suffocating you, just know, you’re not alone.
VOLUNTEER opportunities
During these early stages of development, we’re going to need help from the community to get changes made. Some critical functions we are looking for help are listed below. If you are interested in helping, please use the CONTACT our team form below.
How to get involved?
The following types of help are needed, if there’s something you feel you can offer, please let us know.
Influencers and Public Awareness
When we go live, we’re going to need influencers to help get the name out. We’re developing a Sharing is Caring network, in which users get points for how often they share the application. We will eventually have
reels that you can share, and are always looking for people with the skills to help us bring attention to this topic.
Executive and Senior Leadership
We’re looking for some powerful women to help take lead on this company. We believe it is important to give women a voice, and to put passion behind making cultural changes.
Legislative Advocacy and Activism
Approximately 2% of sexual assault cases make it to court, even if evidence is presented, and less than 10% of those result in a conviction. There is no real explanation other than the prosecutor’s decision on priorities. We
want to develop a web based system that enables users to send form letters to their representatives expressing concerns on getting laws and policies changed. If you have this service, or capability to develop, please
reach out. If you have political connections and a history of success, we have many ideas we need turned into action.